Two proteins, one normal and one abnormal have a substantial impact on brain health. These proteins indicate a healthy brain or an unhealthy brain with risks for Dementia and Alzheimer. These non-invasive tests of the tau protein in blood platelets are expected to provide early warnings of the onset of these two diseases. Research into degenerative brain diseases is focused on advances for brain health care, and brain therapy regimens. Drs. R. Maccioni and. A. Slachevsky, University of Chile, is collaborating with Drs. O. Lopez and J. Becker from University of Pittsburgh USA on this research into brain health. Their findings are considered to be major contributors to the science of brain health. The medical community is optimistic this research will lead to substantial advances in the medical field
Key Points:
- 1The ratio between this anomalous tau and the normal tau protein can discriminate AD patients from normal controls, and are associated with decreased cognitive impairment.
- 2The relationship between the pathological and normal variants of tau were associated with the reduction of cerebral volume in key structures linked with the disease.
- 3The use of a tau biomarker could lead to the identification of AD pathology before the clinical symptoms are evident, and it could play an essential role in the development of preventive therapies.
These studies open a new avenue in the development of highly sensitive and efficient biomarkers for neurodegenerative disorders.
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